Book Review: Visual Explanations by Edward R. Tufte

Visual Explanations is the third in Tufte's well known quartet of books on information visualization (The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Envisioning Information, Visual Explanations, and Beautiful Evidence). This is also the third of the quartet that I have read- I have yet to read Beautiful Evidence. I found the…


Book Reviews

Another quick post with some background on something new on the blog. Several years ago I read my first data visualization book: Stephen Few's Information Dashboard Design. I had read professional books before, but this one fascinated me in ways that no other professional book, on any topic, had before. This…


Choosing Charts

Happy new year! Quick post today to let you know about some new content on the site. In my work to visualize data and provide reporting solutions, I have both encountered the sometimes daunting task of choosing a chart and been asked about how to choose a the correct chart.…